Underwood Champion Portable of 1938 in colors
Item Number: UN-P008C
For a machine of this size, the Champion certainly had a lot of punch! These were introduced in the late 1930s among a full line Underwood's portables, but Champion was the top of the Underwood Typemaster portable line. The numerous Underwood Typemaster features, that once only available in an office-sized machine features, were standard here, including the Champion keyboard, sealed-action frame, dual-touch tuning and an inbuilt tabulator. In the 1940s, Champions were chosen by the U.S. Army for their ease of use, excellent durability and proven reliability in all sorts of conditions. The early version came in three glossy colors: black, maroon and green. Charcoal gray crackle paint and improved plastic key tops was common in later versions. (A carrying case with typing stand was also offered at the time as an optional accessory for both Universal and Champion models.)
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* Whole number only
Compatible with:
Brother Portable
Cole Portable
Hermes Portable
Olympia Portable
Remington Portable: 600, 611, 612, 700, 711, 713
Royal Portable
Royalite Portable
Singer Portable
Content: 3 nylon ribbon with dual spools